Thursday, June 9, 2011

An Introduction

I am beginning the blog with a bit of trepidation.  I have fought the "blog revolution" for a number of years believing that nobody would want to read my thoughts.  However, over the years, many church members and friends have urged me to begin a blog with the purpose of allowing others to journey with me through the Christian faith. 

To that end, this blog will consist of book reviews, thoughts on theology, church, the ministry, life and culture. It is my prayer that you will join me as we try our best to follow Christ on the journey of life, and as we search for the divine wherever we go. 

There is a Celtic Prayer (written by Phillip Newell) that I think would be appropriate as we begin our journey together:

"You are above us, O God.
you are within.
You are in all things
yet contained by no thing.
Teach us to seek you in all that has life
that we may see you as the Light of life.
Teach us to search for you in our own depths
that we may find you in every living soul."

1 comment:

  1. Brad I was linked to your blog through a mutual friend. I too was leary of blogging. Do not worry. Be yourself even if no one reads it. I turned my blog into a sort of story book or baby book for my son. I was also encouraged by another blogger who had great faith in God and lost her life in a car accident leaving behind 2 young girls. They in turn have turned her blog into a book. So blog on!
